(+84-28) 7309 5276 – #834

(+84-28) 7309 5276 – #835
Quoc Duy is a brand in the wood processing machinery market built for nearly 20 years, along with a large number of domestic and foreign customers, with the criterion “Continuously improving” Quoc Duy always finds ways to new projects and solutions to better serve the sales, warranty as well as customer interests in the best way.
The customer care team of Quoc Duy is young and dynamic boys and girls with expertise and knowledge of products. And always listen and wholeheartedly advise to help customers solve problems quickly.

Customer care department of Quoc Duy:
-Department of receiving customer information:
- Professionally trained, will receive and process customer information quickly – conscientiously.
– After-sales care department:
- We will assist in handling the following issues: instructions for machine operation, machine warranty, machine maintenance – maintenance … ..
With the continuous development as well as the increasingly strict demand of the market, Quoc Duy will try to build better and more perfect services to better serve customers better.
When you come to Quoc Duy, you will be completely safe. Because we not only value the quality of the machine, but we also care about the level of customer satisfaction after a purchase.
So how to contact Quoc Duy, it’s very simple, you just pick up the phone and immediately call (+84-28) 7309 5276 and we will answer all your questions and problems immediately.
Sincerely thank customers for your trust in supporting our woodworking machines and using our customer care services!

Please contact us, when you need:
- Consulting – woodworking machine quotes – FREE
- Consultation – painting line design – FREE
- Warranty – maintenance of woodworking machines
Call us when you have a problem:
- Difficulty in operating machinery
- Concerned about the state of unstable machine operation
- Need advice on converting new technology.
Please respond to us immediately, when you:
- Not satisfied with the handling and service attitude of any staff in our company that you directly meet.
- Not fully understanding the professional advice provided by our staff.
Please comment us:
- What needs improvement, modifications, both in terms of the service process and the team, to help us serve better and better.
- We regularly have customer care programs, including promotions, gifts, customer gratitude … that we will specifically announce for you to be informed.
- All your questions and concerns related to, we are committed to answering clearly, until you are really satisfied and secure.